Autobio/ Mission Statement


My name's Auburn and I'm ninth grade.  I was named after Audrey Hepburn without the "drey hep" am I am from Collorado.  I have a little sister named Alivia and she's ten now.  I also have four stepsisters:  Kayla, Sara, Alaina, and Jenna. 

I live with my dad, my stepmom, my sister, and my stepsisters.  My mom currently lives somewhere in North Carolina, but she's moving to Thailand in a week or two, she'll be gone for a year and a half.  I like painting, going on tumblr, eating, going to the beach, going to concerts and music festivals, and hanging out with my friends.

I went to an arts middle school and was accepted for visual arts.  Over the summer I went to the Governor's School for visual arts as well and I learned a lot.  I loved it there and if I'm lucky then I will go again this summer and I then the highschool part.  I guess I'll do this art thing for a while, since I'm pretty good at it.

Artist Mission Statement:

I like romanticism paintings which started in the 18th century.  My favorite is The Rising of a Thunderstorm at Sea by Washington Allston.  I like to paint watercolor and draw people with pencils (colored and graphite).  I like all music genres except for old western and slow jams from the 90's.  My current favorites are 90's grunge and indie pop/rock. My thoughts on individuality:  A rose cannot be a sunflower just like a sunflower cannot be a rose, but they are both beautiful.  People are just like this so everyone needs to stop comparing themselves to everybody else and let their individual flower bloom. (cheese) Being creative is very important to being happy because it'll make your life boring and dumb if you don't spread creative juices to the peasants that live on this weird planet Earth.

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